Wednesday, March 28, 2012

thin client using

Hello experts,

i read about thin client using Facado ( which is a rich, thin, Java J2EE solution... instead of "click n refresh" HTML, it works like a client-server application. so, the only data that goes back n forth between client n server are relevant data objects...

BUT i also read somewhere (maybe in msdn) under the topic "Application Design Guidelines: From N-Tier to .NET" that says...... " Web controls allow building reusable browser GUI elements"...

so i just want to know...
- are these 2 description are similar one thing, that is a rich, thin, client.
- for the 2nd paragraph (.net) is it using the CLICKONCE deployment in visual studio?
- for .net, is there any online example of this type of application (thin client) that i can look for?

thank you very much!I am not an expert but a newbie, too.
However, if not misunderstood by me, you can use Javascript in your pages to do almost all the things that may run on clients.
yes. i'm currently using javascript

but i want to know about thin client like / similar to Facado.. is there any examples that i can try?

my guess is that you mean "smart clients" and clickonce is, for as far as I know currently, a new feature in the .NET 2.0 framework that's shipping in 2005.

Smart clients could be winforms that are automatically updated but they can also be winforms controls that are embedded in your pages. web controls provide a lot of things but they don't act like java applets like Facado (I only took a fast glimpse at it).

A link that give you a first impression of what I mean:Host Secure, Lightweight Client-Side Controls in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Grz, Kris.


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