I am getting this error when a transaction needs to write to the Database after the user clicks the submit button.
Any help on what is the cause is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help.It's impossible to answer this without seeing some code and also the eventual stored procedure you are using to execute the transaction.
************* Edited by moderator Adec ***************
Inserted missing < code></ code> tags. Always include such
tags when including code in your postings. Many readers
disregard postings without the code tags.
Thanks. Here is the situation. I am updating a site which was given to me, and fairly new to .net. I am competent to decifer the situation with the help by a person who knows.
Now correct me if I am wrong. I see that it is going to write the transaction to a table called 'Transactions'. I'm looking at the table in the DB and the fields do not look like the fields it is looking for below. Now I am assuming that I should change the fields in this code to match exactly what is in the table. Also the fields in the table do not have the letters in front of the field name. Ex: iUserID, dtDateTime. It has UserID, DateTime.. etc. what are the letters in front for? Also the last line of this code, should there be a table called PublicPayInvoice created in the DB, because I don't see it. Not sure if that is the table it is looking for.
The Code:
'Write the Transaction
If sX_Response_Code = "1" Then
Transactions.WriteTransaction(iUSerID, dtDateTime, iAccountID, sTransactionType, sMethod, sRecipientEmail, _
sx_Email, "YES", "NO", sX_Response_Code, sX_Response_Subcode, _
sX_Response_Reason_Code, sX_Response_Reason_Text, _
sX_Auth_Code, sX_AVS_Code, sX_Trans_ID, sX_Description, dProcessing, _
dTransactionFee, dChargeBackFee, dRefundFee, dPremiereFee, dRequestedAmount, _
dX_Amount, sIP, "PP")
If sX_Auth_Code = "" Then
sX_Auth_Code = "0"
End IfTransactions.WriteTransaction(iUSerID, dtDateTime, iAccountID, sTransactionType, sMethod, sRecipientEmail, _
sx_Email, "NO", "YES", sX_Response_Code, sX_Response_Subcode, _
sX_Response_Reason_Code, sX_Response_Reason_Text, _
sX_Auth_Code, sX_AVS_Code, sX_Trans_ID, sX_Description, dProcessing, _
dTransactionFee, dChargeBackFee, dRefundFee, dPremiereFee, dRequestedAmount, _
dX_Amount, sIP, "PP")
End If
'Get the TransactionID
iTransactionID = Transactions.GetPublicTransactionID(iUSerID, sRecipientEmail, sx_Email)Dim sTo As String
Dim sFrom As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sBody As String
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
Dim iTemp As IntegerIf sX_Response_Code = 1 Then
Transactions.PublicPayInvoice(iUSerID, sCustomerInvoivceNum, iTransactionID, sTransactionType, sMethod, _
Left(Session.Contents.Item("x_Card_Num"), 4) & "-XXXX-XXXX-" _
& Right(Session.Contents.Item("x_Card_Num"), 4), sExpDate, _
Session.Contents.Item("x_Card_Code"), Session.Contents.Item(" _
"x_bank_Name"), Left(Session.Contents.Item("x_Bank_Acct_Num"), 2) _
& "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" & Right(Session.Contents.Item("x_Bank_Acct_Num"), 4), _
Session.Contents.Item("x_Bank_ABA_Code"), sFirstName & " " & sLastName, _
sAddress, sCity, sState, sZip, sCountry, sCardType)
You are using an own Class called Transactions here. What do the methods from that Class used here look like?
The class is to long to post here for you to look at. Can I email it to you?
Firstly, sharpening up your communication skills would be a great help. How do you expect us to know what is going on if you don't give us the appropriate information? For example, what is the error that you talked about in your first post!?!
Secondly, the additional "letters in front of the field name" are simply a naming convention and relate to the ID of the Controls/Varaibles that you are using.
Thirdly (to reiterate Andre's point), Transaction is actually an Object (an instantiated Class) and isn't a table in the database.
Finally, PublicPayInvoice is a method of the Invoice Object, not another table.
> I am competent to decifer the situation with the help by a person who knows
Evidently not!!
WoW. Thanks for being so CRUEL!
I was just thinking the same about2flip thing after reading the post from stevenbey.
Its amazing why some tech's get a bad wrap for having god-like complex's, lol. Dealing with people (or answering forums) this guy should not!!!
>>Dealing with people (or answering forums) this guy should not!!!
There are many who would disagree (i.e. those people who's problems I have solved).
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